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Spring is Here: Is it Possible for Changes in Weather to Affect Joint Pain?

As weather changes and the temperature fluctuates, many people may notice changes to their body and maybe an increase in joint pain. It's a long-held belief that cold and damp days make muscles, ligaments and joints feel stiff and painful. But is there really a cause-and-effect relationship between weather and joint pain, or is it just a myth?

According to chiropractor Andrew Bang, DC, the answer seems to be yes. A study looking at pain felt by 13,000 UK residents living living conditions such as arthritis found that aches increased on days with higher humidity, lower air pressure, and stronger winds. However, other studies show just a casual or mild relationship between changing weather and joint aches.

So if you notice joint pains during times the weather is fluctuating, weather may be the reason. If you find yourself having joint pains for whatever reason, here is what you can do to alleviate the pain.

  1. Be active: Keep your body active so your muscles, tendons and ligaments don’t tighten up.
  2. Stretch Regularly: Stretching regularly is a great way to maintain your joints healthy and increase flexibility.
  3. Stay Warm: Dress for the weather, and keep your home warm.
  4. Heat Treatment: Take a hot shower or use heating pads
  5. Review your Diet: Having a good diet goes a long way with your joints. Research shows that foods such as green tea, berries, broccoli, and others can reduce inflammation.
  6. Consider using ant-inflammatory medication
  7. Pay your chiropractor a visit

By investing in chiropractic care, you are investing in your health and longevity. If you are interested in learning more, give us a call. (919) 779-4585 (Garner) (919) 957-3600 (Brier Creek)